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Education & Screening

All clergy, religious, seminarians/persons in formation, employees, educators, as well as volunteers who minister with minors are required to complete a background check and safe environment training. For more information about safe environment compliance requirements, please contact your parish/school safety coordinator or visit www. salinadiocese.org

Reporting & Victim Assistance

Report allegations of the abuse of a minor to the Department of Children and Families 800.922.5330

If you suspect abuse of a minor by church or school personnel, in addition to contacting civil authorities, use one of the confidential diocesan reporting resources below:
Phone: 866.752.8855
Website: reportandprotect.com
Email: reportabuse@salinadiocese.org
Reports will be responded to promptly by the Victim Assistance Coordinator

To report an incident of sexual abuse and related misconduct by a Bishop or Religious Superior, currently, or in the past, the Catholic Bishop Abuse Reporting Service provides a confidential
Hotline: 800.276.1562
Website: reportbishopabuse.org

The Diocese of Salina complies with Kansas laws regarding reporting suspected abuse to civil authorities and cooperates with civil authorities as they investigate reports of suspected abuse by all persons, including, but not limited to church personnel.

Any questions in regards to education, reporting, or victim assistance can be directed to the Safe Environment Office Diocese of Salina 785.827.8746

outlines of people 7-2024